Interest Paying Saving Accounts
Whether you're building a savings nest egg, putting money aside for an emergency, planning for a major purchase or looking ahead to the month when auto insurance, property taxes and other major bills come due, we have Saving Accounts to fit all your needs.
We pay top interest rates and your money is always available to you should you need it. Your savings account is also insured by the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation to a limit of $250,000. Maximum return with no risk; you can’t beat that combination.
Interest paid on savings accounts is based on the earnings of the credit union and we have a tradition of paying top rates without requiring you to lock in your money. Interest is calculated on the minimum monthly balance and paid into the account annually.
With competitive interest rates and flexibility, you’ll reach your savings goals at your own pace, one deposit at a time.
You can now link your savings account to your MemberCard debit card! Call us today for details.