Do you have family responsibilities and dependents who rely on your income? Is your total debt load more than 25% of your income? Meeting your loan payments without your income can cause financial stress for your whole family. Additional medical, childcare, or housekeeping costs can be an extra burden if your income is reduced due to accident or illness. Protect your savings with loan insurance.
Credit life, disability, and critical illness insurance can protect you and your family from the unexpected.
Choice of one coverage or all.
- Available for all joint parties and guarantors or co-signers
- Premiums can be added to borrowed amount
- Protects credit rating and security
- Flexible choice of single or joint coverage
- Convenient with benefits paid directly to Cape Breton Credit Union on owners behalf
Credit Life Insurance
Maximum Coverage $90,000.00
Maximum Term 120 months
Minimum Age 19
Maximum Age 75
Available to age 75 if purchased prior to 70th birthday.
Pre-Existing Conditions
Loans with balances greater than $10,000 are not covered if death occurs within first six months from loan date and results from a pre-existing condition. Death from other causes are covered. Pre-existing conditions are covered after six months.
Credit Disability Insurance
Maximum Monthly Coverage $1000.00
Minimum Age 19
Maximum Age 65
Elimination Period 30 Days
Qualify prior to 60th birthday and only covered to your 65th birthday
Temporary or permanent disability
Must be working a minimum of 20 hours a week or for seasonal workers, capable of working
Maximum coverage is for all loans combined