Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
Save for any goal, from a new car to a new home, with the interest you earn completely tax free.
Interest and investment income earned in a TFSA isn’t taxed, accelerating your savings growth.
You can take money out for any goal at any time without penalty, and re-contribute it the following year.
You can contribute up to $7,000 to your TFSA in 2025, with any unused amount rolling over to the next year.
Your TFSA can hold a variety of investments, including mutual funds, term deposits and even savings accounts.
We’ll be happy to help review your goals and see if a TFSA is the right solution to reach them.
Take a look at the latest, competitive rates on offer for our investing solutions.
Try our TFSA calculator to see how tax-smart investing can help your savings grow faster.
There’s lots of ways to save, but a TFSA might just be the secret weapon you’ve been looking for.
Confused by the difference between TFSAs and RRSPs? We’re here to help break it down for you.
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